
Short Bio – Amira Issmail

I was born in the North of Germany – German/Iraqi origin. ˙·٠•●

I’m located in Hamburg now, where I decided to work as a photographer very lately – it happened out of the blue – like so many things in my life.What makes me start, is my very special connection with strangers – people of any social background, natonality – gender or age – doesn’t matter – there is some kind of magic and magnetism.  ˙·٠•●

I surrounded myself with art, music, books, fashion, sports since my early childhood – it helps me to overcome pain – therefore – I’m going to make everything around me beautiful. Style is a way to say who you are – without speaking  ˙·٠•●

I used to live in Tokyo – I mention this, cause this city impressed me the most. ˙·٠•●

I’m eclectic by nature ( means not having been taught or instilled by others ) – I like to combine

different styles and ideas – making my own out of it without conventions or rules dictating; not following any one system, as of philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems.


I’m highly sensitive and ambivert. I love summer – don’t like winter. I prefer fast and hate slow – action to boredom. You have to be faster than the system. I’m doing a daily 3 hours workout.  But most of all – I will always stand up for justice and fairness.˙·٠•●   

To me, photography is an art of observation. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

What Street Photography means for me in buzzwords : Creativity, philocaly, passion, social contacts and responsibility, adrenaline, fun, empathy,individualism, psychology, freedom, rebellion, art, sociology, a form of meditation, fresh air, a way of survival, kind of sports, self-expression – authenticity – it’s my visual diary – the order is no order and the street is not a studio ! ˙·٠•●

Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask ‘how’, while others of a more curious nature will ask ‘why’. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.” Man Ray

“My job as a (street) photographer is to seduce, amuse and entertain.”

It’s my pursuit for taking shots of life, capturing micro seconds of time.   ˙·٠•●

…. finding beauty in what is meant to be forgotten.  ˙·٠•●

„Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.“ AndyWarhol

… and a thing is not seen, because it is visible, but conversely, visible because it is seen …. Sokrates

 Just make a long story short – my photos are telling so much more about me. ˙·٠•●

Blog – Don Springer about Amira

We are a product of our environment and our work is a product of us. Now that may seem like a generalization and maybe it is but it’s true nonetheless. I was looking at Amira Issmail’s work again and I thought how innocent she is and her work. Now obviously, she’s an adult and a beautiful lady but she presents her work in a way that is pure joy.

What I mean is, Amira has a way of working that is void of attitude and jaded from the environment of the human condition. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5iotgw9USPLu5gKfxrw82A I find it interesting in this day and age that someone could be almost clean of attitude and their presence in their work. see her work on the Inspired Eye FB page and others places.Just look and see what I’m talking about.

So I was wondering when and where I lost my photographic innocence and I realized, I can’t lose what I never had.  Muddy said that and he’s right. I’m kinda envious because everything I do is , I guess jaded for lack of a better word and this effects what and how and why I do it.

I never got to see the world with starry eyes and glitter all around. I’m not saying Amira does either. What I’m saying is, Amira and I’m sure many others have the ability to work in any environment and see the joy of living. The simple but delicious things around and that others don’t even think or feel or even care about. This is a very precise meaning for making images.

To share with others how and why  you see what you see.

Anyway, Serendipity comes home tomorrow and the guys on the camera shelf are excited and so am I.  ˙·٠•●✩

Amira Issmail by Don Springer  Testimonial click here